Health and Safety Guidelines: Follow all posted rules, wear appropriate footwear, and avoid rough play. Notify staff of medical conditions or injuries before activities.
Equipment Usage: Use equipment properly and follow staff instructions; No climbing on unauthorized furniture or equipment.Any damage due to misuse may result in repair costs.
Food and Drink: No outside items allowed, alcohol and Drugs are prohibited on the premises. Report spills immediately.
Emergency Procedures: Know emergency exits and follow staff instructions calmly.
Respectful Behavior: Treat staff and guests with respect; no harassment tolerated.
Personal Belongings: Dreamskape not responsible for loss; keep valuables secure.
Restricted Activities: Adhere to age, height, and health restrictions. Children under 12 must be supervised by an adult.Some activities require balance and having moving surfaces
Reporting Safety Concerns: Report concerns to staff promptly.
COVID-19 Precautions: Follow protocols, including masks and distancing.
Medical Emergencies: Notify staff immediately.
Acknowledgment of Risks: Participation in certain activities may involve inherent risks. By engaging in these activities, guests acknowledge and accept these risks.
Buying Ticket: Tickets are non-refundable